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Our story began to be written before we even knew how to write... 


2-year-old Sofia and 3-year-old Rodrigo met while in pre-school, and together began to discover the nuances and delicacies of taking care of one another. Rodrigo, ever the gentleman, would carry Sofia's tiny purse while they walked together holding hands, playing grown-ups.


For the next 15 years, Sofia's and Rodrigo's paths would move in parallel, one always being reminded of the other; through their mothers Andrea and Sylvia, who became like sisters, or through their sweet childhood memories.


In 2017, 19-year-old Rodrigo and 18-year-old Sofia (both now able to write) reconnected at a party in São Paulo. A few days later, he asked to meet her at a coffee shop around the corner. It was a beautiful day, so they sat at the first outdoor table, leaving 4 hours later and already in love.


The scenery changes a bit over the next 4 years, specifically from São Paulo to Atlanta, where in 2021 22-year-old Sofia and 23-year-old Rodrigo graduate from Georgia Tech. After having conquered their dream of studying abroad, they move on to their next challenge: New York. But now, as a family of three, with the arrival of the beloved Pomsky, Diana.


Fast-forward to 2023, Sofia travels to São Paulo by herself to attend one of her best friend's graduation, while Rodrigo stays in New York to work (or so Sofia thinks). While Sofia celebrates with her friends throughout Saturday night, Rodrigo boards a flight from New York to São Paulo, a moment strategically chosen as he knew Sofia would be busy dancing the night away. The next day, Sunday, February 26th, a plan meticulously crafted for months is in motion.


The goal was to take Sofia to that table, at that coffee shop, around the corner (remember?).


And like so Gabriela, their childhood friend and accomplice to the plan, asked Sofia to meet her at that same coffee shop, which was not uncommon, as it was a habitual meeting spot for the two. Sofia arrives and sees her friend already seated at the first outdoor table. After a hug, Gabriela excuses herself to use the restroom for a minute; but who comes back through the same door she went inside is Rodrigo (quite far from New York).


They exchange looks and she understands everything. She understands that she is at that coffee shop, around the corner, sitting at the first outdoor table, because that was exactly the place where they fell in love. And it's there where they will promise each other to keep falling in love every day, for the rest of their lives. 

25-year-old Rodrigo gets down on one knee, but it's 3-year-old Rodrigo who looks up and sees his first love. 2-year-old Sofia, who now stands up as 24-year-old Sofia, says "Yes!".


Today, both of us (25-year-old Sofia and 26-year-old Rodrigo) can barely believe life has gifted us a love with the taste of childhood for the rest of our lives. Two countries, three cities, four apartments, one dog, and memories of two lives intertwined by destiny have brought us to this moment. And it is an honor to be able to share our story with all of you, who in some way, are a part of it.

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